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 A Face I've Seen Before


Chapter 8

Daniel unlocked the door, stood back as Casey swept inside. As she always did, she sighed contentedly as she looped the strap of her purse over an empty peg on the coat rack.

"Home sweet home," she said.

"Always good to get home," Daniel agreed. He followed her to the hallway, she ducked into the bedroom to shed her shoes, he opened the front door to check the mailbox. He’d complained the day before about an empty mailbox. Today it was crammed full. A quick look through the stack informed him that the majority of mail was junk. Ads for local stores, mega-banks wanting them to open new credit card accounts, nationally recognized insurance companies promising them a better deal…If they stopped sending this crap out, they’d save enough to be able to lower their rates and still make a hefty profit, Daniel grumped mentally. He turned into the den, dropped half of the bulk into the trash basket used for junk mail. When the bin was full, Casey added the contents to the recyclable paper bin in the garage. Another day of junk mail and it would be overfilled, he noted.

There were a couple of bills, which he’d been expecting. A letter that he had not. He couldn’t help but grin when he recognized the handwriting on the envelope. He tore it open, and pulled out the single page.

"My dearest Daniel," the letter began. "I hope this finds you and Casey well. I realize that this is rather short notice, time has a way of slipping away from me, I intended to write this last week! Our county fair is next weekend. I had told Casey about the fair, and she had expressed an interest in going. It would just tickle me pink if you and she could come out here and spend a few days. I’d love the chance to show off my grandson!

"I’ll understand if you can’t make it, but I’d love to have you if you can. Just let me know.

"Love, Grandma."

Daniel smiled. "Casey?" he called. His smile turned to a grin when she poked her blonde head into the room. "How would you like to go to Missouri?"


"Yep. Apparently the county fair is next weekend. We should be able to take a few days and go early if you’d-"

"Yes!" Casey said excitedly, bouncing on her toes. "I’ve never been to a fair and Grandma told me all about the Butler country fair and she enters at least one pie and usually some of her pickles and her corn relish and some of her embroidery work and I could help her bake a pie and-"

He couldn’t help but laugh. "Take a breath, Angel."

"Ha ha. Dinner’s ready."

"That was quick."

"It’s called soup and sandwiches," Casey replied. "It’s late enough that anything else would be too heavy."

"Soup and sandwiches are fine," Daniel replied. He followed his wife to the kitchen. Steaming mugs of soup waited, along with the ingredients for ham and cheese sandwiches. "I’ll put in for leave first thing in the morning," he said, layering ham on top of the bread he’d slathered with mayo. He added a slice of cheese and a couple of leaves of lettuce. "We could leave next Wednesday."

Casey nodded. "Fly to Kansas City and rent a car?" she asked, just before taking a sip of her soup.

"Works for me," he agreed amiably.

The two ate in companionable silence for a few minutes. Daniel finished his sandwich, and scooped the last of the noodles from his mug.

Casey finished her soup and most of her sandwich. She offered the remainder to her husband, who gladly finished it for her.

"If we wait until Wednesday evening to fly out, it will give us plenty of time to get Pedram settled, and finally have that meeting between the Minoans and the Tegerians," Casey said. "Unless Jack decides to do something else totally stupid."

"I think Jack has learned his lesson," Daniel said, still laughing.

"I don’t. We’re talking about Jack, here," Casey grumped.

"Angel, Jack has a purple Care Bear, and a purple iris. Trust me, he’s not going to give you a reason to get him anything else that might be purple, or indicative of something he might have done," Daniel insisted.

"I repeat, we’re talking about Jack."

"So how long are you going to be mad at him for causing us to miss that ceremony?"

"Until I get to witness that ceremony," Casey replied, her green eyes twinkling. "Might even participate if they allow it."

"That should be interesting," Daniel allowed.

A frown worked its way across her face. Something that Jack had said poked at her, something that she’d tried to ignore. Now that thought was prodding her annoyingly. "You don’t think that would be tempting Fate, do you? I mean, me participating in a fertility ceremony, and you being so…uh…virile."

He chuckled loudly. "I don’t think so. As long as you’re taking the Depo shots regularly, we should be okay."

"Right. The shots have worked so far," she agreed. "Ready for dessert?"


"How about some ice cream?"

"Sounds good to me," Daniel said. He watched as she put the mugs and plates they'd used into the sink, then took two bowls from the cupboard. 

"When will you call Grandma and let her know we’re coming?" Casey asked, opening the freezer and reaching in for the ice cream. She scooped ice cream into the bowls, then returned the carton to the freezer.

"As soon as I have permission from General Hammond," was the response.

"Good plan."

They sat at the breakfast bar and ate their ice cream. He was certain that she wanted to say something, talk about the mission they’d just been on. Deal with the emotions that had assailed them both at being separated for the few hours they’d been apart. He reached for her hand, wrapped his fingers around hers.

"I was so pissed at Jack…at first, I mean," Casey said softly after several minutes. "I knew you and Sam would figure out how to get us back…but he wanted to explore." She cocked her head sideways. "No…he wanted to make certain we were okay…that there wasn’t anything or anyone lurking nearby that could have or would have killed us. That would have been a pain-in-the-ass."

"Yes, it would have been," Daniel agreed.

"It’s funny…I wasn’t scared. Pissed off, yes. Especially when Jack started blaming you when it was really Sam’s fault but she didn’t do anything on purpose. I just…I knew that you and she and Teal’c would be along at any time."

"When did you realize that you and Jack…I guess the whole team, actually…was supposed to be there?"

"When Pedram started telling us about the battle they were about to face. I knew that we could help them win, at least that one battle. And winning that one battle was important. I don’t know why-" Once again she tilted her head. "We taught them a new strategy. I mean, I’m sure the regular military people were aware of it. But Pedram’s group was strictly rebels. There weren’t any ‘military’ people with them. What they learned, they can use again."

"The Goa’uld will catch on eventually," Daniel pointed out gently.

"Only if said Goa’uld survive the encounter," Casey said, grinning broadly. "Right now, whichever snake attacked, he…" she paused, closed her eyes, then nodded. "He’s not only angry, he’s worried. He lost a contingent of Jaffa who should have easily defeated the small number of rebels who were hiding. Not only that, but he lost a couple of gliders, and the rebels made off with one of his transport ships. He works for Anubis…when Anubis finds out what happened, he’s really gonna start to worry."

"The Tau’ri are becoming a problem they can’t control," Daniel said, nodding his understanding.

"My guess is that the other Goa’uld are about to turn on Anubis and his allies. There are Tau’ri running amok all over that galaxy, and that’s because of Anubis. And those rebel Tau’ri are taking out Goa’uld so quickly that the snakes themselves can’t keep up with the deaths. So the group is going to turn on Anubis, and when they’ve killed him, most of them are going to flee in an attempt to avoid being killed by the Tau’ri." Casey licked her spoon. "Makes me glad someone is winning somewhere!"

"No doubt all of the planets the rebels have freed from Goa’uld control is helping to fire the panic," Daniel said.

"No doubt." Green eyes began to twinkle. "I wish I could be there when Ba’al learns that Apophis has returned."

Daniel laughed. "Yeah, that would be a Kodak moment, wouldn’t it?"

"Pedram didn’t seem to be surprised that there was a battle where the mirror was," Casey said softly.

"No, he didn’t. We can always check later, and see if it’s still on a ship, or if it’s been moved," Daniel said, smiling inwardly at Casey’s ability to jump from one topic of conversation to another, almost in the same breath. "Moved would be the best hope."

"Very true." Casey reached out, ran her hand up and down her husband’s arm. "The battle didn’t last long," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"No, it didn’t."

"I couldn’t see you…that was the only time I was scared…when we were waiting, and I couldn’t see you," she confessed.

"We’re okay, Angel. We’re home, and we’re both fine."

She drew in a suddenly shaky breath. "We’re home," she repeated. She reached out, ran her fingertips over his whisker-stubbled jaw. "We’re home."

"Pedram is a brave man," Daniel said, frowning at his empty bowl.

"Yes, he is," Casey agreed softly.

"I don’t think I’d have been able to leave this reality, knowing Sha’re was out there, somewhere. Even if I knew I’d wind up dead…I wouldn’t have had the courage to leave. Or leave, and try to find a way to get back."

Casey’s most unladylike snort brought his head up.


"Daniel, you’re one of the bravest men I know. And from what you’ve told me about Sha’re, she was no ‘fainting Nelly’ herself." Casey pushed her bowl away, rested her arm on the counter, and turned slightly to face her husband. "You would do what you always do. Evaluate the situation. Examine the options. Then you’d have come with us…or whatever group would have been there, and you’d have been making plans to help them and find a way to return while you walked back to that cavern."

"I dunno, Angel. My guilt-" He stopped, swallowed hard.


"It was my fault she’d been captured," he said quietly. "For the first few weeks I was on Abydos, after Jack and the other guys left, Sha’re went everywhere with me. We explored the old city together. Then…"


"It took awhile…almost a month, before we could really make love," Daniel admitted.

Casey nodded her understanding. She didn’t call her husband ‘Stud Muffin’ for nothing!

"Kasuf had taken the majority of the villagers back to the main city, but I wanted to stay and examine the temples. Those who opted to stay with me…well, we lived in the pyramid. It was so big, and I knew there was more to it than just the room where the Stargate was. We set up in that main room, that’s where we worked, mostly. There were plenty of nooks and alcoves for privacy. In spite of the communal living conditions she grew up in, Sha’re was very…reserved. She didn’t want to make love if she thought too many people were nearby."

"Tended to make a bit of noise, did you?"

Daniel gave a small smile. "No. Sha’re…the first time I moaned when I was with her, she put her hand over my mouth and shushed me. She didn’t want me whispering to her, either. She was always afraid someone would hear. She wouldn’t even leave our alcove at night, because she was afraid of seeing or hearing some couple together."

"I don’t understand…if she grew up in a communal situation, none of that should have bothered her. She shouldn’t have even been ‘aware’ at all of others around when the two of you were together."

"I know," Daniel allowed. "It doesn’t make sense to me, either. There was one comment that made me wonder about her…about her feelings toward sex. Whenever she was having her period, she had to stay in a tent away from the rest of the villagers. All women went through the same thing, often there were three or four women in the tent together."

Casey nodded, silently encouraging him to continue.

"Her aunt once told me that Sha’re always insisted on remaining in the tent for an extra day or so. I asked why…she wouldn’t look at me, and then mumbled something about Sha’re’s mother. And the fact that she had been raped by one of Ra’s guards during a ‘routine’ visit to collect the naquadah the people mined."

"Oh, goddess," Casey murmured.

"Those guards, those…‘Jaffa’, were human, completely human. They didn’t have the pouches like Teal’c and his brethren had. I dunno, maybe Anubis or Cronus started that. Maybe Ra just couldn’t get symbiotes. Any way…Kasuf and Sharah, Sha’re’s mother, had been married for several years before she gave birth to Sha’re. It was another three years before Skaara was born. According to her aunt, after the rape, Kasuf would visit one of Sharah’s sisters on a regular basis. With Sharah’s knowledge and approval. That Sharah and Kasuf ever had children is probably a small miracle. I’m guessing that alcohol and local festivities were the reason Kasuf was able to be with is wife at all."

"She hated sex," Casey surmised. "I suppose rape would do that." She pushed away the thoughts that during her first captivity by Ba’al, she’d been raped repeatedly. Rejoiced in the fact that she had absolutely no memory of those events.

"And taught Sha’re to fear it," Daniel replied. "I know she enjoyed it…at least I’m fairly sure she did. When we were together, when we were making love, sometimes she’d just…she’d allow herself to enjoy my touches, my caresses. But when it came to actual intercourse, she always closed herself off. She…she endured…what I was doing, because it was her duty."

Once again Casey reached out to touch her husband’s face. "I’m so sorry," she whispered.

"When it became obvious that I wasn’t going to be…put off…that I loved her and wanted to be with her…" Daniel paused, turned his head for a moment and closed his eyes. "She…she changed. She treated me like a buffoon most of the time. She’d pick fights with me. I’d get pissed off, and head for the ruins. I’d stay there for days. Then I’d feel guilty and go back to our tent. Sometimes we made love, but not always. She stopped going anywhere with me. If I had asked her to come with me to the temple that day…or insisted that she come with me, Apophis wouldn’t have taken her. The way she kissed me…I should have taken her with me." His voice had dropped to a whisper.

"She would have refused," Casey offered.

Daniel shook his head. "I don’t think so. She kissed me, in front of everyone. She hadn’t kissed me like that in months. The only other time she’d kissed me where others could see was during our marriage ceremony."

Casey frowned slightly. "Sha’re was letting Sam know that you belonged to her."

He shrugged slightly. "Maybe. If I’d have asked her, I know she would have gone with me. But…habits had already formed. I led Jack, and Sam, and Kawalsky to the temple with no thought about her at all. I mean…yeah, she’d just kissed me…but…"

"Like you said, habits had been formed. And if she was treating you like a buffoon, I can’t imagine you wanted to be around her much."

"Not really, no." Daniel ran his hands over his face. "It was so damned confusing. We could talk, and laugh, and it would be like it had been for the first few days…few weeks. But then, I’d reach out to touch her, and…she became this different woman. This cold, uncaring person I didn’t recognize."

"Talk about sending you mixed signals!" Casey declared.

"When I realized Sha’re was gone, that she’d been abducted, I felt so damned guilty. Then, as time went on, while we were looking for her…or rather, I was looking for her; every mission we went on I was trying to learn as much about the Goa’uld, and Apophis in particular, so that I could find her. Anyway, I realized Sha’re had been given to me. She’d never been given a choice in the matter. And I’d never really done anything to try to earn her love. I never…I never ‘claimed’ her, the way most of the men claimed their wives on Abydos."

"And how was that done?" Casey asked.

Daniel grinned. "You entered the tent where she was sleeping. Used a silk cloth as a gag, to keep her from making noise, tied her hands and feet…sometimes the woman would struggle, just to be able to say she tried to fight off her abductor, and then you carried her away to a tent you had ready in the desert."

"Interesting way to propose."

"Oh, this was done after the betrothal was announced," Daniel explained. "But, I never did that. She was brought to my tent the first night that the team spent with the Abydonian people…and she never left."

Casey remained silent, contemplating what she’d learned. She had no doubt that Daniel had loved Sha’re. She even suspected that Sha’re had had a part in bringing the two of them together, or at least making certain that Daniel let go of any guilt he felt in loving her. Sha’re had told him that the two of them were destined to be together. Was it possible that Sha’re had known, on some level, that her relationship with Daniel had never been intended? Or was it just as simple as being raised by a woman who had been so wounded, so hurt, that she had poured those emotions into her daughter?



"Are you okay?"

"I’m fine. I feel sorry for Sha’re. Damn…not only did her mother screw her up; it made it impossible for her to enjoy the best thing that ever happened to her," Casey replied.

"Guess I never thought about it like that," Daniel admitted.

"I know you loved Sha’re." She held up her hand to forestall whatever Daniel was going to say when he took a breath. "I also know that her abduction wounded you to your very soul. You did your best, Daniel. Ultimately, the Goa’uld are to blame for everything that happened to you and Sha’re, and even between the two of you."

"I know."

"Which explains your feelings toward the Goa’uld. However, we both know that there were other…forces…at play here. I can’t help but wonder why your relationship with Sha're was allowed to happen at all."

"Since we’ve been together, I’ve wondered that myself," Daniel admitted.

"My guess is, you figured out the cover stone and what the Stargate really was before The Powers That Be expected you to."

Daniel frowned slightly. "Skaara told me once that if Jack and I and the others hadn’t shown up, Sha’re would have been betrothed to Sabine. Nice guy. Kind of quiet."

"You got there too soon," Casey said, nodding. "Even a week or so would have made a difference."

"They’d have just found some other virgin to offer to me," Daniel said, with more than a hint of ire.


"Although, the only other chieftain with daughters would have probably been grateful if I had rejected their daughters. The oldest was about thirteen."

"Hmm…older than that little girl…um…Nanna, wasn’t it?"

"By about a year, I think."

Casey shuddered. "Your response would have been exactly the same as it was when Nanna was offered to you."

"I know," Daniel replied. "I don’t think there would have been as much stubborn pride involved on Abydos if I’d simply told them that the girl was too young. Maybe I’d have been able to convince them I was just a regular guy."

Casey snorted again, then began laughing. "You helped free them from Ra, Daniel. Something they’d never even dreamed of doing. ‘Regular guy’ you weren’t! Hell, you were from another planet. That alone made you special."

"Whatever." Daniel sat back. "How the hell did we wind up on this topic, anyway?"

"You started talking about Pedram being brave enough to leave his reality, even though his wife is a Goa’uld captive. You know, she might not be a host."

"Possibly," Daniel said. "If she wasn’t young enough, or pretty enough by Goa’uld standards, she’d be a slave."

"Which is not much better than being a host." Casey stood to her feet, gathered the bowls and spoons, and put them in the sink.

"True." He watched her for a moment, then rose to his feet. He slipped up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her waist. He smiled when she leaned back against him. "I love you," Daniel whispered against her hair

"I love you, too," she whispered in return.




Casey was turning back the bed when Daniel joined her in the bedroom. He’d made certain all the doors were locked and the alarm system activated while she’d washed her face.

"Hey, gorgeous," he said softly.

"Hey, handsome," she replied.

"You’re all right?"

"Yep. Everything talked out, dealt with, and filed away," Casey smiled. She reached out to him, her hands roaming from his shoulders to his waist and back again. "I do, however, have a problem that I believe only you can help me with."

"Oh? What sort of a problem?"

"Well, it’s rather…personal," she said. Daniel flashed the shy smile she loved so much. "It’s very…personal."

"I can be very discreet." His hands were moving over her body; caressing her shoulders, sliding down to cup her ass, back up her to her ribs, then gently massaging her breasts.

"Oh, I’m counting on it."

"So, is this very personal problem emotional…mental…physical…?"

"Physical," she whispered breathlessly, as his lips began an assault on her neck, his thumbs rolling over nipples that hardened from his touch.

"I see." His words were slightly muffled, as he continued to place kisses and tender nips on her throat, and as much of her shoulder as her top would allow.

"I have this…itch. It needs to be scratched."

"Can’t reach it?"

"I can reach it. It just isn’t as…satisfying…if I scratch it myself."

"I see."

"Would you be willing to scratch it for me?"

"Always," he murmured.

Casey ran her hands over his chest, then down to his waist. She slipped her fingers beneath the cotton of his tee-shirt, then moved her hands, and the shirt, toward his shoulders.

Daniel pulled away long enough to shed his shirt, then reached for her again. He toyed with the buttons on her blouse, undoing each button slowly, sliding his fingertips against her skin each time. He was kissing her, having worked the combination that always granted him entry to her sweet mouth. Tasting her, touching her…he gasped when he felt her hand massaging his rigid length through the material of his jeans.

"Too many clothes," she complained, pulling away from him only far enough to speak.

"Far too many," he agreed, just before her lips were against his once again. The blouse was now unbuttoned, he pushed it from her shoulders, his brain protesting when her hands left his body long enough to let the soft fabric fall to the floor. His nimble fingers had her bra unhooked, and it followed the blouse. He sighed into her mouth when he felt one of her soft hands making its way over his shoulder, up his neck, and into his hair, the other tugging at the snap of his jeans.

Before she could pull away and concentrate on unfastening his denims, Daniel had reached down and unsnapped and unzipped them. She slid her hand inside, caressed him through the fabric of his boxers, then slipped her fingers over the top of the elastic, pushing them out of her way. They both moaned when she wrapped her hand around his pulsing length. He was hot, hard, and throbbing. The center of her very being pulsed in perfect harmony.

Sliding to her knees, she pushed his jeans and boxers to his ankles. He’d taken off his boots and socks before he’d checked the doors. He stepped out of his pants at the same time she wrapped both hands around his engorged manhood, and began to stroke gently. She’d been honest with him…the only time she’d been afraid was during the time she was unable to see him. As long as she could see him, everything was all right. He was always there to protect her…take care of her…love her. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you, too," he responded in kind. Then groaned with appreciation as her mouth slid over the tip of his shaft, down as far as she was able. Warm and wet and…Sweet Jesus what she can do with her tongue! What she was doing had to be illegal somewhere. Feeling this good just had to be against the law.

It was almost impossible not to smile…not that it would have been easy, given that she had a mouthful of the anaconda…but she’d barely started and already his hips were meeting her each time she moved down as far as she could, her hands helping her to caress the part of him she couldn’t take orally. His hands were on either side of her head, his own head hanging down, his chin on his chest, his eyes closed. A slight smile of bliss tugged at his lips.

"That’s it…just like that," he murmured.

One hand reached around to caress his ass, then slid down to cup his scrotum. Apparently her Stud Muffin was particularly needy tonight…the sac was already beginning to tighten, a sign of his impending orgasm. While she would have preferred to make the moment last, giving him as much pleasure as possible, she was also aware of his needs…and her own. Tomorrow night, she decided. Tomorrow night I’ll do this for him and really take my time. The thought had barely formed when she felt his balls contract, and he began to pant. Using both hands to stroke him, she continued her ministrations until he was crying out her name.

Shaking from the intensity of his release, pleasure sweet and hot and pure racing through his veins, Daniel barely made it to the bed before his legs refused to hold him any longer. "Sweet Jesus!"

She licked her lips, finding just a tiny speck of his warm, white love there. "Feeling good, are you?"

"Like you wouldn’t believe," he replied, grinning lazily. "C’mere, Angel. Let me make you feel good. Let me scratch that itch for you."

She shed her jeans and panties, and joined him on the bed. She settled on her back, held her arms open; and sighed with contentment when he positioned himself above her. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Held tightly as he began to kiss her again, teasing her with each stroke of his tongue against hers. Promising her a trip to that beautiful, incredible garden of pleasure that only they could share.

Sweet. So damned sweet. Even though she’d just sucked his balls dry, he could feel that familiar tightening in his groin, could feel his cock begin to swell again. Holding her, tasting her…that’s all it took to arouse him…again and again. She was fluttering her tongue against his, a tiny sign he knew she was completely unaware of giving. She was ready, she needed him to move on. He placed tiny kisses along her jaw, made his way to the soft, elegant neck that tantalized him so during the day. Her neck…her perfect breasts…that enticing, heart-shaped fanny. Just looking at her at work, and not being able to take her…how many times had it felt like pure agony to have to wait until they were home, and alone. There were times the desire was too much to fight, and he’d haul her to the nearest supply closet and ravish her as much as possible.

Not that she ever fought him off. In fact, there had been a time or two when she’d dragged him to a supply closet. She’d lock the door, turn around, drop to her knees and send him straight to paradise. The first time had been while she’d been translating what had turned out to be a sexual guide. The second time…had probably been because of their conversation. Well, their communication. The cameras in each room of the SGC recorded sound as well. They’d spent an hour tossing a small notebook back and forth…writing down exactly what they’d do to the other if the camera was off and the door was locked. She’d stood up, grabbed his hand, and headed for the door before he was able to do the same. He’d often wondered if the guys in the monitoring room had been puzzled by their behavior, or if they’d figured out what was going on.

She was shivering as he continued to kiss and lick her neck; she mewled with pleasure when he gently bit her shoulder, then proceeded to leave a purple mark there. Her hands were in his hair, her fingers holding tightly to the short, sandy-blond locks. She moaned with relief when his lips closed around an aching nipple, his hand gently massaging her other breast. She wasn’t even aware of the fact that her body was arching toward him, offering more…silently begging for more.

He smiled against her skin as he continued to make love to her breasts. She’d arched against him, and now was doing her best to press her hips against his belly as well. She was on fire, he had built that fire, and soon he was going to fan the flames into a roaring inferno.

"Mmm…please…please…" she murmured, tossing her head to one side.

That’s it, Angel. Beg for me. Beg me to worship you. He took the time to leave a nice, purple mark between her breasts before he slid down, putting himself face-to-belly with her. The new platinum ring he’d bought for her twinkled against her skin, the diamond at the base, near the clasp that held the ring into her bellybutton sparkled in the light. He ran his tongue around the outside of her navel, then playfully dipped it inside. The moan she gave made his heart race and his cock throb.

"Please…" she begged again.

"Please what, babe?" he whispered.

"Worship me…please!"

The words were music to his ears. He slid down again, wrapped his hands around her slender thighs, and moved her legs apart. He lowered his head, stopped for a moment to enjoy the sight of his wife’s body, so ready for him; inhaled the fragrant bouquet of her scent. He ran the tip of his tongue from the top of that hot, wet slit to the bottom. She wiggled beneath him. He repeated his movements…again…and again. Each time she wiggled and moaned. The fingers of one hand gently opened the flower of her womanhood to his caresses, and he searched for every drop of the sweet nectar that had escaped her honey pot. Felt the jolt of those special pheromones as he took the first few drops into his mouth. His body was making its own demands now, his addiction demanding to be fed. He shoved his tongue into her, lapped for a moment or two. He tossed about in his mind for a song or a poem…remembered a love song that she particularly liked, and began to write the words against her skin, using his tongue as his stylus. He flicked that swollen nub at the top of her folds after the completion of each verse. Which made her body jerk, and sent another moan into the air. Her clit was as hard as his cock, and he began to tease it, suckling gently, then licking, then sucking again.

Dear Goddess in Heaven, what is he doing? Just when she was convinced she couldn’t take the gentle laps and kisses any longer, he began to torment that tiny nub of pleasure. She could almost feel the breeze begin to blow against her face…she could see the sparkle of release just barely out of her reach. Colors began to spin behind her eyelids…and then suddenly she was there…an explosion of pleasure erupted in her very core. Her body shaking, her spirit sent into orbit as her orgasm washed over and in her.

Before she could take a deep breath, Daniel had risen up, and was sliding his swollen manhood between her wet folds. She sighed again when she felt him slip inside her…and push deeper. Her hips rose to greet him, her body greedy and demanding more of him…all of him. She wrapped her legs around his hips, and began to ride him, meeting him step by step in their dance of love.

The headboard began to tap in a gentle cadence, keeping time to the beating of their hearts, the pulsing of the blood in their veins. Minute after minute they danced, using their bodies to give pleasure and to take pleasure. Melded into the unique being that was created when they came together, two hearts beating as one, two bodies throbbing as one.

Alive. Safe and home and alive. Once again they’d been in battle, and once again they were home and safe. She was in his arms, responding so sweetly…demanding with such passion…proof that they had once again cheated death. Daniel closed his eyes when he felt that deep massage, stopped moving to fully appreciate the efforts his wife was putting forth to please him.

She could feel his manhood throbbing…used those muscles deep inside to squeeze and hold him…then relaxing just a bit…then squeezing again. She continued to do so, until the gentle thrusting of his hips warned her that he’d almost reached the limit of what he could endure. She clamped down once again, reveled in the groan that rolled up from his belly and out past his lips.

It was all he could take…his body wanted to complete the trip, and there was no stopping it now. He grabbed her legs, pushed them against her shoulders, and began to pound into her, the headboard banging against the wall with a steady…whap…whap…whap…whap.


"Give it to me," he begged, panting and barely holding a grip on his sanity. He would not come before she did. That was his rule. She had her pleasure, then he took his.

When he ground his hips against hers, rubbing back and forth just before he pulled away again, she felt as if lightening was racing up and down her spine. He pushed into her…and it was all over. Like the ocean crashing over the shore, her second orgasm of the night washed over her in waves of pure pleasure.

He could feel her body shudder, her well gripped him tightly, and then a warm flood of honey ran down over his balls. With a shout of pure joy, he released the tight hold he’d maintained, and followed her into the clouds, to spiral among the stars. His shaft pulsed against her still trembling walls. Her body seemed to milk him of everything he had.

Casey wrapped her arms around his damp shoulders when he lowered himself gently, holding himself on his forearms as much as possible. "Thank you," she whispered.

He grinned against the skin of her shoulder. "Itch all better now?"

"Much," she replied.

He worked one arm under her hips, held her close, and then rolled over. He adjusted the pillows behind his head while she settled on his chest, her arms crossed, her chin resting on her wrist. Her eyelids were beginning to droop. "Sleep, Angel," he whispered. He was asleep almost as soon as she was.

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