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My Friend, Danny 


Chapter 12

Daniel unlocked the side door of the house, and ushered his wife into the kitchen. Just as she always did, Casey gave a little sigh of contentment. Her home was, she had often declared, the safest place in the universe. It was in this place where they had built their sanctuary. Where nothing of the outside world was allowed. The one haven they had from everything SGC.

He followed her to the kitchen, and felt the muscles in his shoulders relax…he’d been unaware that he’d been so tense. Home. One of the most beautiful words in any language, second only to ‘love’.

"I’m taking a shower, I haven’t been able to do more than wash off with Wet Ones since we left," Casey announced.

"Sounds good," Daniel said. "Want some company?"

She smiled up at her husband. "Always."

He grinned and shook his head when Casey darted into the bedroom to divest herself of her purse and shoes. No doubt she was gathering whatever she planned to wear after their shower as well. His grin went wider. He had no intention of letting her get dressed for at least an hour or so after their shower. While they’d been able to orally pleasure one another, he’d not been able to hold her, bury himself deep inside her, and create with her the entity that was the embodiment of their love. He was addicted to the sweet honey her body created for him. He was just as needy when it came to making love to her, to feel the welcoming warmth of her well, to have her body wrapped around him.

He went to the front door, checked the mail. A few ad flyers and the electric bill. The ads would go into recycling, the electric bill he’d pay online…later. He tossed the mail onto his desk, then went into the bedroom, unbuttoning his shirt as he did so. He could hear Casey humming…she was in her closet; the sounds of her opening and closing the drawers of the chest she had in the walk-in space drifted into the room. He opened the dresser across from the bed, and grabbed a pair of boxers. Not that he planned to actually put them on any time soon. "Case? Whatcha doing?"

She poked her head out of her closet door. "Trying do decide if I want sweats or pajamas. I am not getting dressed."

Daniel shrugged. "You don’t have to wear anything at all."

She studied him for a moment, then gave a soft smile. "I like that idea even better." She nodded at the clean boxers in his hand. "So those won’t be necessary either."

He tossed the folded pair of underwear on top of the dresser. "Works for me."

She was already stripping as she walked toward the bathroom, dropping the dirty clothes into the hamper as she passed it. Daniel was right behind her. His jeans and shirt landed on top of her clothes. He tossed his socks toward the hamper…they hit the floor just in front of the large wicker basket. He never noticed.

Watching her step into the shower, so gloriously naked, had his body reacting eagerly. The sight of his wife’s body never failed to arouse him. She was slender, but had curves that would captivate any man. He watched his ‘beauties’ – those tantalizing breasts he so adored – as she reached for the taps to turn on the water. When she turned her back to him, adjusting the temperature, he let his gaze move over the curves of her enticing fanny. How often had he watched that heart-shaped derriere and the sway of her hips as she walked…how often had his body respond so ardently that he had to ‘hide’ at his desk until he had control once again? As he did so often, he sent up a silent prayer of thanks to the gods who had created such a beautiful woman just for him. He stepped into the tiled enclosure as she turned on the water, aiming the spray away from them until it was warm enough.

Casey glanced down at his aroused body. "I see you brought the anaconda along."

"He’s missed you," Daniel replied.

"I’ll bet he has," she teased, running her fingertips up and down the taut flesh. Pleased when that magnificent specimen of manhood throbbed appreciatively, and its owner shivered in response.

"C’mere," he whispered, wrapping his hands around her face, sliding his fingers into her hair as he did so. He lowered his head, noted with delight that she was lifting her face toward his, as eager for his kiss as he was for hers.

Breath of life. The spark that always set the tinder of her passion aflame. His kisses were more than merely the meeting of their lips. When they kissed, it was the first step in a rite as ancient as time itself, and would culminate in their dance of love. She sighed softly as she opened her mouth to him, shivered from the sensations that raced up and down her spine as his tongue began to stroke hers. Every kiss was special…sensual…perfect. This kiss was no exception. The sensations his tongue was creating had her body stirring with desire. She wasn’t even aware that she was leaning into him.

So sweet…always so sweet. His wife was, he determined yet again, the best kisser in the world. In the universe. Her tender kisses could heal him when his soul had been battered. Offer comfort when the world around him was wearing him down. Arouse him to the point that he was certain his body was about to burst into flames. She moved closer, the tips of her breasts grazing his chest, the hardening of her nipples causing his own to stiffen in response.

She slid her hands into his hair, holding him closely as she took her turn at exploring his mouth; tasting him, setting him on fire just as he had done to her. His arms were around her, one around her shoulders, the other around her waist, holding her against his body like warm bands of steel. She pressed closer, needing to feel him as desperately as he apparently needed to feel her. His arousal pressed into her belly, creating an ache between her thighs.

Although their encounter with the slave traders had been two days prior, and even though they had been able to be alone in their tent, they hadn’t discussed what had happened. They always talked about their missions, particularly missions that had gone ‘bad’ on them. It was how they dealt with the stress…the anger…the fears…that such missions created. Daniel slowly pulled away, just far enough from her lips to be able to speak. "Are you okay?"

She frowned slightly. "Why wouldn’t I be?"

Daniel held her gaze, could see genuine surprise there. "It looked like things on that ship were going to get a little…intense…for a few minutes."

A very un-ladylike snort filled the air. "Please. Those morons? You could have taken out those two chumps who were holding you without even breaking a sweat. The idiots I was dealing with were barely enough for a good workout."

Laughter rumbled through his chest. "Think so?"

"Know so."

"I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed watching you beat the shit out of those guys."

"I was impressive, wasn’t I?" Her smile was both pleased and proud.

"Yes, you were," he chuckled.

"I was never afraid," Casey whispered, trying to get even closer to him, her breasts flattened against his chest. She locked her arms around his neck. "You were there. I knew you’d protect me."

Her confidence in his abilities echoed not only in her words, but in the depths of her amazing green eyes. Whenever he doubted himself, felt unworthy, or unable to complete whatever task had been set for him…all he needed to do was talk to her. Her faith in him was unshakable. Her love for him unfathomable. In her eyes…and her words…he was more capable than he would ever see himself. Her trust in him, her belief in him made him feel both undefeatable, and completely humbled. "What you do to me, woman," he whispered, lowering his head to claim her lips once again.

The warmth of the water that flowed over them only added to the heat of their skin as the ardor of their kiss continued to build. The kiss fanned the flames of desire in their bodies; the fire of their passion continued to grow hotter. Neither, however, would be hurried along. In that moment there was no one…nothing else…in the universe. Only them. Only their kiss. Slow, gentle…their movements were deliberate, leisurely. Mouths opened wider, allowing deeper, more thorough investigation. There was no need to hurry. They would, as always, take their time, learning the secrets to pleasing one another all over again. After all, the journey of love was never one to be rushed…every moment was to be savored…cherished.

Gradually, Daniel pulled away a second time. Noted that her lips were deep pink and slightly swollen from the kisses they’d shared. Without a word he pulled the sprayer from the holder on the wall, and began to run the water over her hair, working his fingers through the wet strands as he did so.

Casey closed her eyes and simply enjoyed the soothing touch of her husband’s hands as he washed her hair. When he had finished working the conditioner from the roots to the tips of her hair, she took the sprayer and returned the favor, gently massaging his head as she shampooed his hair.

Her hands lovingly caressed the muscles of his back and legs as she washed him. If there had been any tension left in his body after the kisses they’d shared, there certainly wasn’t by time she had finished moving his washcloth over him, making certain he was especially clean.

Daniel carefully rinsed her hair, making sure none of the conditioner remained on the silken locks. He poured a bit of her body wash on the scrunchy she used, and gently moved it over her skin. His mouth found its way to her breasts as he rinsed her, licking and sucking water droplets from her nipples. "Ready to get out?"

"Yes," she whispered, holding his head against her breast as he continued to suckle for another moment.

He straightened and turned the water off, then reached for the clean towels waiting on the bar. He handed one to her, and began to hastily dry his body. When she reached for her hair dryer, he gently took it from her hand. "Let me," he whispered.

She smiled. Leaned over and tossed her hair over her head. Felt his fingers working through her hair as he moved the dryer.

"Okay, babe, stand up," Daniel said.

Once upright, she grabbed her hairbrush and handed it to him.

Five minutes later, she had pulled the comforter and blankets back, and was stretched out on the bed waiting for him. He had stopped in the doorway…watching her…looking like a god. Her heart battered her ribs. The way his eyes moved over her, the look of hunger that filled those blue depths, had her trembling with anticipation.

Daniel paused, taking in the breathtaking sight of his wife laying there…waiting for him. The soft light from the small lamp on the bedside table gave her skin a golden glow. He shivered from head to toe when the knowledge that the beautiful enchantress was his…and his alone…settled into his brain.

She held out her hand. Smiled when he wrapped his fingers around hers, and crawled onto the bed beside her. As soon has his hand had released her, she reached for the swollen flesh rising up from between his legs. "I love you," she whispered.

"I love you, too," he whispered in reply. He settled onto this back, smiling mentally when she shifted beside him. She rose up on one arm, gently caressed his face with one hand. She leaned over, her long hair creating a curtain that hid them from the world. Lowering her head, her lips met his, and she waited – impatiently he thought, given the tiny movements she was making – for him to work the combination that opened her sweet mouth. He gently ran the tip of his tongue over her lips, then just a bit more pressure on her lower lip and…she dove into his mouth before he had the chance to do the same to her. Fissures of absolute ecstasy raced up and down his spine; made his fingers tingle, his toes curl, and his turgid member throb. The journey of love had begun, and she would take him to the highest of heights with her ardent attention.

Oh, how she adored his kisses. Loved kissing him. She took her time in touching him, tasting him…gave herself over to him when he demanded control of the kiss. Gentle caresses became more demanding as their tongues dueled…from her mouth to his…back to hers. Her heart declared victory when he conceded complete control to her.

The sigh of contentment he gave when she slowly moved her lips from his made her smile against his skin. She placed tiny kisses on his jaw, his throat. Sucked at his Adam’s apple…which made him swallow, and – when she glanced up at his face – smile. Sliding down on the bed just a bit, she began to bestow more kisses to his shoulders. The strong shoulders that she could cling to whenever life’s storms were more than she could handle alone. No doubt he would leave his mark between her breasts…he almost always did. Those bruises…so lovingly created…declared his ownership of her heart, her body. She would, she decided, leave her mark on his shoulder. She began to nibble his skin, sucking it gently, then licking him. Then she started the process again. His moan of approval made her heart race. Just as they had in the shower, she took her time; made her mark…the mark that declared to the universe that he belonged to her…dark against his tanned skin.

His wife made love with all that she was. He could feel the warmth of that love wrap around him just as surely as he felt her hands and lips on his body. She always gave more than she ever took…no matter how much of himself he poured into her. Every touch he offered her as an attempt to show her the depth of his love, she returned with zeal. His body was still aroused from the kisses and tender caresses they’d shared in the shower. She was fanning those flames into an inferno.

Satisfied that the dark bruise would remain on his shoulder for at least a few hours; with luck, long enough for it to be noticed when he changed in the locker room, Casey moved her mouth toward his chest, her fingers leading the way. The dark brown disks on his chest were already puckered with desire. Her tongue darted out to tease the hard nubs. She felt his sudden intake of breath, she could feel the pounding of his heart against her lips.

Daniel hissed another sigh when she began to concentrate on his nipples. His were every bit as sensitive to stimulation as hers were, and she was well aware of that fact. She reveled in driving him to the brink of insanity every time she nipped and suckled. Every tender kiss, every gentle nibble sent out fingers of pleasure that reached from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. His breath was coming harder…faster. She was moving him…shoving him…toward that cliff. He was clinging to her…one hand fisted in her hair, the fingers of the other hand wrapped around the arm that rested across his belly. He could feel himself moving closer to sweet release…

In spite of her resolve to take her time before giving her full attention to his swollen, throbbing manhood – to make love to every inch of his incredible body before letting him take flight, in order to make his climax as amazing as possible – Casey was unable to ignore the rigid flesh that pulsed against her arm. Her well quivered its response. Her mouth watered with the hunger to taste him. The need to please him, to make him cry out her name became overwhelming. She slid down again, a satisfied smile on her face when Daniel shifted and spread his legs, allowing ample room for her to kneel between them. Obviously he was eager for her most intimate of kisses. Settling herself comfortably, she gave him a mischievous smile. "Ready?"

He’d seen the smug smile on her face when he’d moved. He could see the playfulness in her eyes as she watched him. He was about to make a smart-assed comment about not being sure when his cock throbbed so hard it made him gasp. "Hell, yes," he admitted.

She had both hands wrapped around his impressive manhood, stroking gently. "You’re sure?"

He couldn’t help but grin. "Remember, Angel. Payback," he reminded her, his eyes twinkling.

The shiver that shook her slightly was visible; she noted that he grinned at her…he’d seen her reaction to his comment. She was more than aware that he would make love to her with the same determination, the same ardor as she made love to him. One hand caressed his hip, his thigh. "I’m counting on it," she replied softly. She watched his eyes, noted how they had darkened with desire…with need. She caressed him again, her fingers skimming over his skin. Then she lowered her head and slowly took him in.

The moan he gave was filled with equal measures of appreciation and pleasure. Oh, damn that feels good! She moved down on his shaft, taking as much as she could, then slowly moved back up, sucking steadily. Sweet Jesus! Daniel watched as she settled into a steady rhythm…bobbing up and down, his cock moving in and out of her mouth. Not only were the sensations mind bending, the sight was enough to have his heart pounding in his chest and the blood pulsing in his veins. Not until Casey had come into his life had he known this particular pleasure. Not one of his former lovers had even attempted to take him all the way. A few cursory licks, maybe a quick suck on the tip…that was it. Nothing more. His wife was the only woman he’d been with who hadn’t been intimidated by his size. She was the only woman he’d been intimate with who begged…demanded…to make love to him orally. How freaking amazing is that? She was the only woman who had ever driven him mad with need, then made him shout with mind-boggling pleasure using that warm mouth and talented tongue and those soft hands. From the first night they’d spent together to that very moment, she’d always made love to him with enthusiasm, with absolute joy. He’d always been able to see those emotions in her eyes…along with love so deep it blew him away…every time she went down on him. Her beautiful eyes locked with his; he could see her love…her desire…her happiness. Was certain that his eyes were sending the same messages to her.

Velvet covered steel. His impressive manhood was like velvet covered steel. Warm and hard and he tastes so good! A low hum of delight filled her throat, vibrated against him. His body shivered in response. Making love was just that…making love. Using her body to physically express the love that filled her heart, her mind, her very soul. Every time she made love to him orally, his ultimate gratification was her only goal. She wouldn’t stop until he had given her everything and was shouting her name. She loved the way he squirmed and sighed and moaned; the way his hands curled into fists as she moved him closer to his climax. Goddess, how she loved doing this to him…for him! Without being aware of the fact, Casey’s thoughts became an echo of her husband’s. Only she had ever made love to him this way. Of all of his lovers, only she had given him this pleasure. Only she used her mouth and tongue and hands to bring forth that low groan of bliss that came from deep in his belly. Mine. He belongs to me…this belongs to me! She pulled away, her hands still in motion. "Only me," she whispered, then took him into her mouth once more.

"Only you," he whispered in return, understanding instantly what she meant. Sometimes he was convinced she could read his thoughts. Simpatico. Two hearts that beat as one. He brushed his fingers over her jaw, certain by now it had to be sore. She winked at him, and intensified her movements. "Oh, god…yes," he groaned.

His touch made her heart flutter with love. He always worried that her jaw would get tired or sore when she went down on him. It never did. Maybe reading all those books and practicing on carrots and cucumbers and zucchini taught me how to give head properly. The thought almost made her giggle out loud. She shrugged mentally. She could give him pleasure, she enjoyed doing it, and that was all that mattered.

He was throbbing harder, faster. His hips were moving up and down, meeting her lips with every thrust, his hands wrapped in her hair, holding her steady as she continued to make love to him. She toyed with the idea of teasing him, holding off the impending eruption for just a moment or two. But it had been two days since she’d felt him so deep inside. She was certain his need was as great as hers. Without a doubt he would insist on worshipping her, and his addiction would soon be making itself known. That need to hold him…be one with him…overrode the playful urge to keep him on the edge for just a bit longer. Instead, she moved up on her knees, taking him as deeply as possible. She began to swallow, determined to bring forth the eruption of that precious white love – her hands began working faster on the part of him she couldn’t take.

Just when he was certain she was going to tease him to the verge of insanity, he felt himself slide deeper. The motions of her throat as she swallowed sent him flying over the edge of the cliff, straight into the stars. "Sweet Jesus!" He groaned loudly as his body thrummed with pleasure…his throbbing cock sending his love down her slender throat. He ran his fingers through her silky hair, breathing hard, his body trembling as he slowly returned to earth. She gently licked him clean, her tongue leaving not one trace of his orgasm on his skin.

She slid up his body, leaving kisses on his hip, his belly, his chest, his neck…her lips finally coming to rest on his. "Better?" she asked when she moved away, resting her head on his shoulder.

His arms wrapped around her, held her closely. "Incredible," he replied, dropping a kiss on the top of her head. He was about to roll over…eager to begin his journey…when she shifted to her side, propping her head up with one hand, the other moving gently over his chest. He waited for her to say something, her posture alerting him that something was on her mind. "Casey?"


"What’s wrong?"

Green eyes met blue. "Nothing."

Daniel shifted, mirroring her position. He trailed his fingers up and down her arm. "You’re sure?"

Once again her eyes met his. "I was just thinking about you and Mike. And how your relationship won’t be the same. That has to hurt," she said softly, after a moment’s hesitation.

How typical of her to worry about the change in his friendship with one of his first real friends. The thought that change wasn’t something Casey embraced flittered through his mind. Too often change had meant more abuse. How many times had adults in her life brought unwanted change to a helpless child? How many teachers, social workers – adults who were supposed to protect her, help her – had literally or figuratively walked away, leaving her to deal as best she could with those changes? He pushed down the anger that always rose in her name when he was reminded of the hell she’d been through as a child, as a teenager.

Daniel understood that Casey would mourn the fact that his friendship with Mike wasn’t what it had been; could never, would never again be what they had shared when the older man had been his mentor at UCLA, and his colleague in Chicago. He couldn’t help but smile at the fact that her loving heart was concerned about him, and his feelings in the matter. "Mike and I will always be friends, Angel. Maybe not in the same way we were in the past, but that’s just life. Our friendship changed the minute I left California and went to Chicago."

Casey frowned slightly. "Was he upset that you left?"

He shrugged one shoulder. "No clue. He never said anything if he was. I only saw him for a few minutes the afternoon before I left. He teased me a bit, about being absolutely, annoyingly ‘lucky’. When the opening in the archaeological program opened at the Institute, it was offered to me. Although," he added, frowning slightly, "I have no idea if it was offered to anyone else before me."

"Wasn’t your dad an alumnus of the Oriental Institute?"

"Yes, he was," Daniel confirmed.

"Then it’s not surprising that his brilliant son was offered a chance to study there."

He smiled again. "Maybe. I was surprised."

"You shouldn’t have been," Casey insisted. "And even though you left…weren’t at the same school, the two of you kept in touch."

"Well, mostly. Mike was offered a position at the Oriental Institute a year later…but I was working with Doctor Jordan by then. We saw each other, had lunch, discussed our individual projects, but there was already a change in our relationship. When I left Chicago, I left him a note. After that, there were occasional letters, a few phone calls." It struck Daniel in that moment that Mike had been the one to instigate those attempts to reconnect. Except for one…when he’d reached out, having learned that Mike was to be a speaker at a conference in Houston, Texas. He had called the night he’d returned from Abydos, after the one year remembrance ceremony for Sha’re. "He was always there when I needed him," Daniel said softly.

"That’s a true friend."

"He’ll still be that friend. But Angel, our lives took different paths the day I left UCLA. Even though we’re working together again, it will never be the same. I’m lucky that Mike understands that."

"At least you can have coffee with him once or twice a week."

"Very true. And that’s much more than we’ve been able to share in years. Now," he said, pushing a lock of blonde silk over her shoulder. "Is there anything else we need to talk about?"

"Nope. Unless you want to discuss new curtains for the den."

"What? What’s wrong with the blinds we have in there?" Daniel asked, completely taken aback.

"Not a thing. I just thought it might make an interesting topic of conversation," Casey replied impishly.

He chuckled. "You are such a smartass!"

"So everyone keeps telling me," she sighed.

The fingers that had been moving over her arm began to tug at the pink nipple just above her wrist. The gasp that left her lips had his body reacting. "My turn," Daniel whispered huskily.

Casey rolled to her back. Her hands immediately went to her favorite places when he settled over her and began kissing her…one hand on the back of his neck, the other in his hair. When his tongue invaded her mouth, demanding her surrender, she moaned softly, and acquiesced. His moan of triumph brought a shiver of anticipation that skittered up her spine – he was in complete control, and wouldn’t stop his tender, loving assault on her senses until she was pirouetting among the stars.

His objective, as he settled himself on top of her, had been to set her on fire; he wanted her burning for him, out of control for him. The longer he kissed her, the longer her tongue stroked his, the hotter the fire in his own body began to burn. She’d just sucked his balls dry, the intense pleasure leaving him breathless…and his happily spent member still twitching…yet he was already aching for her once again; so strong was her power over him, so great was his need for her.

She loved his kisses…needed them to survive just as much as he needed the honey that she created for him. She was, she thought with certainty, no less addicted to him than he was to her. Destiny. My Destiny. They had been created for one another by the very gods who dwelt among the stars. She sighed when his lips moved from hers. He left tiny kisses on her cheek, her jaw; his tongue traced her ear. When he began to leave his mark on her throat she moaned softly again. She could feel him smile against her skin; undoubtedly he was quite pleased with himself for eliciting the reaction from her.

Round and firm and soft and beautiful…the perfect breasts, he thought as he slid down, making himself comfortable. My beauties. Mine, and mine alone. Those thoughts sent a tremor of delight and absolute happiness through him. He bestowed kisses on each perfect tip, teasing one nipple and then the other. He’d barely started making love to her breasts, and already her back was beginning to arch. Pride surged through him, knowing that it was because of him, because of what he was doing to her…for her…that had her body reacting so ardently. He nipped at her, biting just enough that she could feel his teeth, but no more. She murmured softly, the sound of her pleasure had his body throbbing in response. His hands cupped her breasts, his mouth moved back and forth; teasing...arousing...fanning the flames of the blaze that he’d set. His attention strayed only long enough to leave his mark in the sweet valley between those beautiful orbs. The bruises didn’t last long…even when he marked her each night. She had mentioned that there was still enough of a mark one morning after her workout at the SGC that the women in the locker room teased her about it. Whether or not it lasted, he bestowed the mark of his love on her body.

Tossing her head to one side, she wasn’t even aware of the fact that her hips were pressing against him. Both hands were in his hair, fingers clenched tightly around the short dark blond locks. Tentacles of lava hot pleasure moved through her, up and down her spine, through her belly to settle in a molten pool between her thighs. He was the conductor, directing with precision…the virtuoso playing her body like a finely tuned instrument, building a crescendo that would leave her shaking and breathless.

Hands around her narrow waist, he gently pushed her back down onto the mattress, then slid down, laving her belly with his tongue. He took the time to tease her belly button, gently tugging on the platinum ring that decorated it. Once again soft whispers of approval filled the air. When he slid down again, she opened completely to him. Encircling her slender thighs with his hands, spreading them just a bit more, he gently kissed the tattoos that proclaimed his ownership, signs she had determined she wanted…a beautiful gift to him. He paused to appreciate the wonder of his wife’s body, to admire the delicate flower of her womanhood.

He lowered his head and began to lick her from stem to stern. Carefully caressing her swollen nether lips with his tongue…he sought any errant drops of nectar that had escaped that sweet honey pot. Her body jerked in response, just as his body did when the pheromones she created for him hit his system. Her hips rose to meet him with each pass his tongue made. She hadn’t teased him, hadn’t taken him to the edge of the precipice only to leave him hanging there, desperate to fall; he wouldn’t tease her. Well, not much, he thought, with a mental grin, just before he began to compose the words of a love poem. His tongue was the stylus he used to write the symbols against her skin…he punctuated each verse with a flicker of his tongue against that unique bundle of nerves.

Oh, goddess…what that man can do with his tongue! Bold laps against her, tiny licks, a slight flicker against her aching clit…whatever he was doing was enough to drive her crazy. She could feel a breeze begin to blow against her face…her body was reaching for the climax she could see glittering just out of reach.

Sweet, hot, alluring…she always smelled and tasted so sweet. He continued to alternate licking her exquisite womanhood, and teasing that sensitive nub at the top of her folds. His tongue worked to draw more of it from its pink hood. She was beginning to make those adorable sounds of need. Her body was shaking, she was tossing her head from side to side. He watched her carefully, her eyes were closed, her chin raised slightly…there! She was pressing her tongue against her top lip…he wrapped his lips around that swollen bud and began to gently suckle, flickering his tongue against her as he did so.

"Nngg…yes…yes…don’t stop," she murmured breathlessly.

Time to fly, Angel…He slipped two fingers of one hand into her, pressed deeply, then began to move them in and out of her, finding her rhythm immediately. Her hips were in constant motion now, moving against his face, meeting his fingers each time.

She mewled with delight as he made love to her, taking her ever higher. Lights were beginning to flicker behind her eyelids, she could hear the sound of waves crashing upon the shore as she moved ever closer to her orgasm.

The whimper that only he could bring forth filled her throat, moved past her open lips as she gasped for breath. It built until it became an aria…her song of love resounded around him as he sent her flying into the stars.


His name echoed in his ears as he quenched his thirst, lapping at the sweet honey now pouring from her well. His addiction shuddered with delight, sending him on a flight as well…different than what he felt when he climaxed, but pleasurable all the same. When he was certain not one drop of that sweet nectar remained on her skin, he slid up, spent a few minutes on her breasts, then moved up to kiss her. "Good?"


"I need you, Angel," he whispered, leaving tiny kisses along her jaw.

"I need you, too. I’m here, Daniel," she whispered in return. Wrapped her arms and legs around him as he shifted his body on top of hers. Her body arched, her hips rose to meet his. "So good," she whispered as he slid his throbbing member into her waiting and still pulsing well.

"So good," he agreed. He began to move slowly, doing little more than rocking his hips against hers. She matched his movements, in sync with the pace he was setting. Two hearts…two bodies…one being.

The interlude to their dance of love had left them panting, their passion a fire that raged around them. For the moment, that fire had been sated. Now that they were melded together, had become the entity that only they could create, their need was gentle…as delicate as the gossamer wings of a butterfly, and their languid movements were enough. Soon, the fire would once more become an inferno, and they would be demanding greedily from one another.

They were unaware that as their bodies moved, a blue haze began to glow around them, painting their shadows on the walls. Tiny sparks of dark blue flashed where their bodies touched, visible manifestations of the fire that burned in their hearts and in their bodies. Once again the passion…the need…began to build. Those tiny sparks flickered brightly and grew larger as the flames of their love…of their desire…began to build once again as their bodies continued the dance of love.

She met him, step for step. Clinging to him, riding the waves that were beginning to build as he led her toward the completion of their dance. Oblivious of the soft sounds of pleasure that she made. Unaware that those sounds were feeding the fire that raged within the man in her arms.

He began to move harder, just a bit faster. Her legs remained locked around his waist, her arms around his shoulders; holding him tighter as he led them closer to that hidden paradise that existed for them, and them alone. Higher and higher their bodies soared – searching…stretching…reaching for the ultimate moment of pure bliss.

"More," she begged, panting slightly.

He rose up on his arms and began to pound into the willing body beneath him. Her legs were around his hips, never allowing him to move too far from her body. Her hands were clinging to his biceps as he led them ever upward.

"Don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop don’t stop," she begged, her hips moving up and down against him each time he pushed into her, the stimulation making her body tremble.

He was so close…can’t let gonot yet… "Give it to me, Angel…sing for me!" he commanded…he pleaded…he begged breathlessly.

That soft whimper began to build up, became louder and stronger, until her aria of love was once again echoing off the walls. Cymbals crashed…waves roared. Her body jerked, and she was there…soaring ever higher, twirling among the bright colors that flashed in front of her closed eyelids. "Daniel!"

One…two…three more strong thrusts. He threw his head back and shouted her name as his climax crashed over him like waves on a shore. He was spiraling beside her as they raced through the clouds to the stars beyond.

Completely spent, his arms gave out and he collapsed onto her. He felt her wrap her arms and legs around him once again, holding him closely. Warm and safe; being in her arms was always the best place in the universe to be. Knowing that his weight was a burden, no matter what she might say on the matter, Daniel slid his arm beneath her hips, holding her tightly against his body, then rolled them over.

Casey settled herself on his chest, crossed her arms and rested her chin on one wrist. "That was incredible."

"I agree," Daniel said. His hands were moving up and down her back, beneath the length of her hair, from her shoulders to her hips and back again. Slow, steady, gentle. He smiled mentally when her back arched to maintain contact with his fingers.

They remained silent for a few minutes, simply basking in the warm afterglow of their love.

She reached up and caressed his cheek. "I have a question for you."

"I have an answer. Let’s see if they match," he replied. Yelped when she playfully tweaked his nipple with the other hand.

"And you call me a smartass?"

He chuckled. "What’s your question?"

"Which Ba’al do you think we’ll find first? The original pain in the ass, or the fake one?"

He chuckled again. His wife could ask the damnedest questions. Usually very entertaining questions. "I have no idea."

"Well, I think we should try to find the fake one first."

He frowned slightly, considered her comment for a moment. "Okay, I’ll bite. Why?"

"Well, Teal’c pointed out that the fake Ba’al is going to be convinced that he’s the real one."

"I agree with that," Daniel replied.

"So, we tell the fake Ba’al that he is the fake Ba’al, and he’ll be hell bent to prove he’s the real Ba’al," Casey declared.

"I’m sure he would. But how are you going to know which one is the real one, and which one is the fake one?"

Casey frowned. "Do you think Ba’al would give his clone all of his memories? Or just a few of them? Like, would he keep certain information about his holdings secret, so the clone couldn’t screw anything up for him?"

"I think it would be to his advantage to make certain the clone had only select information. If that’s at all possible," Daniel replied.

"Oooo…I know! We ask him if he managed to save any of the information about cloning!"

Daniel examined the idea. "If Ba’al wanted this clone to convince the other System Lords that he’s truly Ba’al, I doubt the clone will know he’s a clone. I mean, it would be stupid to let a clone know it’s a clone."

"Well, shit."


"Well, we’re talking about Ba’al here. He’s as stupid as they come. He might be sneaky and cunning. But smart he is not. And he’d be egotistical enough to want to brag to the fake Ba’al that he’s the real Ba’al."

He barked with laughter. "Angel, Ba’al is a typical Goa’uld. He’s going to do what’s most advantageous to him. Letting his clone know about his plans is not advantageous to him. He’ll know that as a clone, that Ba’al will do pretty much what he would do. It’s even possible that Ba’al was able to plant a few ideas."

"We need to find out more about this cloning stuff," Casey grumbled. "It would make it so much easier to fight against."

"Well, that’s a problem for tomorrow. Go to sleep, Angel. We have a lot of film and photos to deal with tomorrow."

She settled back down, resting her head on his shoulder. "I love you."

"Love you, too, Angel."

Warm, satiated physically, hearts beating with contentment, the lovers drifted into the land of Nod.




The two men stood huddled on the street corner of the small trading town. Their attention was on the space port just off in the distance, the lights brightening the night around it.

"It is not possible for him to be in two places at one time," one insisted.

"He is here. And yet my contact insists that he is near the planet of Amaterasu," the second man insisted.

"His ship has been sighted near the planet. It does not mean that he is on board that ship," the first man pointed out.

"How he could get from there to here so quickly-"

"He has many ships. That she capitulated to him means he had an impressive fleet with which to threaten her. As soon as she gave him what he wanted, he left. The ships he left behind remain nearby to make certain that Amaterasu doesn’t try to double cross him."

The second man sighed, then nodded. "You are right, of course. Still, that he could arrive here so quickly…"


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