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Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep 


Chapter 5

Cam Balinsky shook his head. "Sorry, sir. We need Daniel to translate these pillars. He's the only one who knows the dialect. It would take days, most probably weeks, for Jonas and I to be able to give a rough idea of what it says."

"I agree, sir. And given what we suspect the text is about, an accurate translation is crucial," Jonas added.

General Hammond nodded his understanding. "SG-1 is now twenty-four hours overdue for check-in or return. Until we hear from them, I don't suppose there's anything that can be done." He turned to Major Anderson, who was sitting in on the briefing. "It looks as if any further missions to this planet are postponed. I'll return SG-12 to the regular mission roster. When SG-1 has returned, and gets a bit of rest, I'll send Doctor Jackson to P5R 611."

"Yes, sir," the major replied.


The three men rose, watched the general as he returned to his office.

"I wonder what SG-1 has gotten themselves into this time," Deke Anderson mused.

"Whatever it is, I'm sure it will make quite a story," Cam smiled.

Jonas looked from one face to the other. "Aren't you worried? They could be in danger...in trouble..."

The major chuckled. "Oh, I have no doubt that they are. But SG-1 has a certain kind of magic. They come back, every time."

"Because they're Immortal?" Jonas asked.

Deke shook his head. "Because they're SG-1."

The three men moved toward the corridor. "I heard Ferretti is already starting a betting pool. He figures that Casey will shoot at least one Goa'uld in the cahoonies," Cam grinned.

"Could be a Jaffa. She gets pissy when they try to stop her from completing her mission, or threaten Doc," Deke suggested.


The look of confusion on Jonas' face had the two men laughing. "You haven't heard the story about Casey shooting Ares in the nuts?" Deke asked.

"No, I haven't."

Deke chuckled. "Come on, I'll buy you a cup of coffee, and tell you all about it."

Jonas didn't miss the fact that both Cam and the major tossed worried glances over their shoulders, toward the Stargate that sat silently in the 'gate room below them. For all of their banter, the men were worried about their comrades.


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The captain surveyed the vegetation. The dirt was dug up on one side of the ravine in two places, where obviously someone...or two 'someone-s'...had crawled out. "You are certain that two of the three intruders are dead?"

The three Jaffa who stood nearby nodded. "We saw them go down. Neither could have survived the wounds they received. Nor could they have miraculously been healed of them. Not even with the aid of a Prim'ta. Only a sarcophagus could revive them," one said firmly.

There was no sarcophagus on the planet. And only gods were allowed the use of them, or could order the use of the magical boxes. The captain stared toward the small mountain, where three squads of Jaffa had pursued a tall blonde woman. One of the squads had yet to return. Was it possible that they were still following her trail? Or had something happened to them?

"Tal'matte Kel Huy!"

The captain turned to see his kin'tra hurrying toward him. Responded to the greeting with a nod of his head.

"We have found several places where someone has been moving through the forest," the second-in-command reported.

"Follow the trails. At the end of one of them we will find our prize. I do not want the woman harmed," Huy ordered.

"Kel sha," the younger Jaffa replied, inclining his head slightly in acknowledgement. He folded his arm over his chest in salute, pointed to half a dozen Jaffa who stood nearby, and led them up the narrow path that led out of the village.

Huy's attention returned to the ravine. Two distinct paths out. Two missing bodies. He shivered slightly. Pushed away the thought that he might be dealing with demons. Only demons could rise from the dead without the aid of a god and a sarcophagus, or so he'd been told as a child. Foolish thoughts, he chided himself. He was a captain among the Jaffa of Keku. Too old to believe in such stories. He looked at the ravine again, before turning back toward the village. Suppressed another shudder. If the two who had been wounded had crawled out of that ravine, it had been with help. Any such aid could have come only from the villagers. He would soon know just who had assisted the intruders, and where they were hiding.


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Daniel shifted slightly. Jack, who was leaning against him, his head back against the wall behind them, snorted softly. Wrapped his arms tighter around his chest. Listening carefully, hoping that the sudden sound, no matter how muted, hadn't been heard, Daniel watched the hatch that wasn't more than twenty feet from them. If someone had noticed the noise, that was most probably where they'd come in.

A glance at his watch, and he closed his journal, shoved it back into his pack. "Jack? Wake up."

Brown eyes opened instantly. "What?"

"Nothing. It's been a couple of hours. We should probably move."

"Yeah, probably. I need to take a leak."

"Me, too."

"Think we should chance finding a bathroom?"

"It's either that or piss in a corner," Daniel replied dryly.

"Hmm. Pissing on a Goa'uld ship. Does have a nice ring to it," Jack grinned.

"We could always piss on whatever's behind that panel," Daniel retorted, his own grin going from ear to ear.

"That would most certainly short something out," Jack mused.


"Of course, whoever worked on it would know we'd been here."

"Maybe not. Unless it's strong, urine doesn't always have an odor. Not until it's been sitting for awhile, that is. And, how would they know it's us? I mean, us in particular. All they'd know is that there was a fluid on the floor. Maybe they'd know it was urine. Even then, they'd have no idea just whose urine it was. Unless they run DNA tests on everyone on board."

Jack contemplated for a moment. "Could cause problems for us if they start looking for someone who's crawling around, pissing in these ducts."


The older man sighed. "No pissing on the ship, then."

"Well, technically, even if we use the Goa'uld version of a bathroom, we'll be pissing on a Goa'uld ship," Daniel pointed out.

"I like the way you think," Jack grinned. "Let's go. Before my butt attaches itself permanently to this metal grate."

"With luck, we'll actually make it all the way to the cargo bay this time."

"Here's hoping. Damned Jaffa, anyway," Jack grumbled.

There were no sounds, nothing to indicate that anyone was nearby. Jack carefully opened the access hatch. The corridor appeared to be empty. Daniel gave a cursory look around, pointed with the muzzle of his P90. What they needed was just around the corner.




Daniel re-buttoned his BDU pants. Picked up his weapon. "Much better," he whispered.

"I hear ya," Jack agreed. "So, stick with the corridors, or back to the vents?"

"Your call."

"I'm damned sick and tired of crawling around," Jack admitted. "Let's see how far we can get on our feet."

They were just turning onto the main corridor, one that would lead them to an elevator, when they came face to face with the answer. Not very far, it seemed.


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Huy frowned. Seven Jaffa. Their bodies had been carefully stacked and covered. The wounds were similar to those received by the Jaffa who had been attacked by the intruders on the loading dock. Each Jaffa had a small wound; three between the eyes, four on the neck. The other wounds...he grimaced. What was left of their necks and heads looked as if something had exploded inside them. The damage certainly accounted for the amount of blood and tissue that his men had found splattered on the ground. He looked around. "What is over that ridge?"

"I do not know, dis'tra."

If one woman, alone, could do this much damage...He shuddered. Her weapon made her more deadly than an entire squad of Jaffa. If she wasn't caught, more Jaffa would no doubt die. "Find out. I want that woman caught!"

"Yes, dis'tra!"

Four Jaffa hurried up the side of the small mountain. It was impossible to locate any trail, any marks that might have been left; the rocky ground prevented that. Checking behind each boulder, looking into each hollow or impression, the Jaffa made their way up and over the peak.

The back side of the mountain was steep, it was difficult to remain on their feet. The weight of their armor made staying upright even more of a challenge. Sliding with each step, paying more attention to their footing than their surroundings, the four slowly began their descent.

At first, it appeared to be nothing more than a dark rock. Moving closer, however, revealed a small opening. It was the mouth of a cave. A small one, judging by the size of the entrance. He'd better check it out, just in case. Huy would be angry if he learned that any potential hiding place had been overlooked...or ignored.

Calling out to his companions, the Jaffa knelt down on the ground. He had to wiggle a bit, managed to stick one shoulder and his head into the cavern. Activating his wrist device, a small light jumped to life, illuminating the stone walls and the dirt floor. It looked as if something had been moving around in the cave, but without closer examination, he'd be unable to tell for certain if it had been the woman. There was, however, no one in the enclosure now.

Backing out slowly, the Jaffa looked over at the three men who waited for him. Shook his head. If the woman had used the cave to rest, she was long gone. A fact he shared with his comrades. No doubt she had headed deep into the forest that could be seen from their vantage point.

Sending the youngest of the Jaffa back to report their findings and conclusions to Huy, the three trekked on. They would find the woman. It was only a matter of time.


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"Oh, shit," Daniel murmured.

Tjau'kek's eyes widened with surprise. He had no idea who the men were; given their appearance, and what he had been told by the Jaffa who served Olokun, he was left to surmise that these men were of the Tau'ri. A group that had made themselves an irritant to Olokun, and other System Lords. If what he'd heard was true. Two things went through his mind with lightening speed: these were the men who had been in that air vent. He was certain of it. And they would have no reason not to divulge to Keku what they had seen if they were prisoners...and that could not be allowed.

For a moment, the three men stood, staring at one another. The First Prime shuddered imperceptibly as he studied his enemies. Part of him, the part that had been trained to serve his god and Master, was screaming that he should take these men prisoner, and deliver them to Keku. They would become slaves, perhaps be given the honor of being Jaffa; or they would be killed. And it didn't matter to him which option Keku would choose. His hand closed around the zat'nik'tel that hung from its strap beside his hip. Another part was warning him that to do so would expose his affair with Nefret. No doubt she would be horribly punished, and sent to the harem available to the Jaffa. A thought that had his stomach clenching, his heart writhing within his chest. And he, would no doubt be tortured and killed as well. Not only did he wish to protect the woman he loved, but he had no desire to die. His hand dropped, leaving the weapon in place.

The fact that the Jaffa's hand had reached for his zat, and then just as quickly dropped away, told Daniel that there was a reason the First Prime didn't want to take them prisoner. He was betting that a dark-eyed, dark haired beauty was that reason. "We just want to get off the ship," he said softly.

"Danny?" Jack asked.

"Just telling him the truth...that we just want to get off this thing."

"He's the First Prime..." Jack paused. The First Prime had been messing around with one of Keku's harem girls. He grinned. "He's the First Prime."

Daniel grinned as well. "Yes, he is."

Tjau'kek was disconcerted to see the two men exchanging such satisfied smirks. Which left no doubt that they had indeed been in that vent, had seen him with Nefret. They would tell Keku everything...he couldn't allow that to happen! His hand went back to the zat'nik'tel.

Daniel noted the movement. "We don't want to cause you any trouble."

The First Prime snorted softly. The very presence of the two invaders was more than enough trouble for him. Add what they knew about him...the secret that he held...his hand fell away from the weapon.


"I told him we don't want to cause him any trouble," Daniel replied.

"Ah, yes." Jack turned his attention back to the Jaffa who stood staring at them. "Tell him that his secret is safe with us...as long as we're not captured, of course."

With a smile, Daniel relayed the message. The look of frustration on the Jaffa's face was both surprising and amusing.

"How do you intend to leave?" Tjau'kek asked.

"Well, if there's a Chappa'ai, we'll just use it to go home," Daniel replied.

"There is not."

"Okay. How about a glider?"

"You are experienced with flying a glider?"

"Not me, personally, no," Daniel admitted. He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, pointing at Jack. "But he is."

Tjau'kek paused. The honorable thing to do would be to take the men to Keku. The easiest thing to do would be to kill them. He could use a zat'nik'tel and dispose of the bodies. Once again his hand crept toward his weapon. And again dropped. Using the zat'nik'tel would set off alarms. Requiring explanations that he had no intention of giving.

He was aware that the men were armed, their weapons were strange, but he recognized them as weapons nonetheless. The strange devices were pointed at him. They most certainly could have killed him. But had not done so. The simple statement of their desire echoed in his ears. He ignored the part of him that wanted to know how...and why...they were on the ship in the first place. They were Tau'ri. No doubt they had been spying. The blue eyes of the younger man continued to watch him. The eyes were guarded, but held no deceit. The solution, while simple in thought, was not as easy in practice. Tjau'kek heaved a sigh. The sooner these men were off the ship, the better. "Come with me. I will-"

The sound of Jaffa armor had all three jumping to attention.

"Quickly, hide yourselves!" Tjau'kek hissed. His heart was pounding with dread. If any Jaffa had witnessed what had just transpired, he would be dead within the hour.

Now this is just about as freaking bizarre as it can get, Daniel thought, ducking behind a support pillar. The only time a First Prime had helped them escape from a Goa'uld had been when Teal'c had turned his staff weapon on the other Jaffa in that cell, and had then led the team and those doomed slaves to the Stargate. There was only one Teal'c. But this guy...was he questioning the validity of his 'god' as well? Had he heard about the great Rebel Jaffa known as Teal'c; about Master Bra'tac and the Free Jaffa? He glanced to his right, noting that Jack was pressed against the pillar next to the one he was practically hugging. Both were hoping that the shadows would conceal them well enough for the First Prime to get rid of whoever was about to come around the corner. And that the First Prime wouldn't suddenly come to his senses and take them prisoner after all.

"Tjau'kek! Lord Keku wishes to speak with you. He has had word from one of his spies. Ba'al is searching for this ship even as we speak," the Jaffa reported, as soon as he was close enough.

No doubt Ba'al was angry over the naquadah that had been sent...or rather, had not been sent. Keku was an arrogant fool. The First Prime was certain the he would soon learn how well his men could battle against superior numbers. "Tell our god that I am on my way. I have just inspected the hanger bay. It is to remain sealed until I have finished with the task Lord Keku assigns me. There are several violations that I will address personally."

The Jaffa nodded stiffly. "As you say."


The Jaffa turned and practically ran down the corridor.

Tjau'kek looked toward the pillars. There was little time for these men to make their escape. He simply could not take the risk of them being captured. Every second that they remained was a second that Nefret was in danger. "If you can make it safely to the hanger bay, I will see to it that your escape goes unnoticed."

"If we're caught?"

"That will be your problem."

"We can tell Keku what we saw," Daniel challenged.

"Yes, you can. But will he believe you?" Tjau'kek was not so certain that the Goa'uld would doubt the prisoners. Particularly if the information was offered during interrogation. Which could become quite painful. However, he would not allow these Tau'ri to believe that he was in as vulnerable position as he actually was. He was First Prime. He was also proud. To allow any enemy to even sense weakness was simply not acceptable.

Daniel studied the man for a moment. "You're not willing to risk her safety to find out."

The First Prime seemed to deflate slightly. "No," he said at last, his voice soft. "I am not."

"I understand your...dilemma. I, too, will do whatever is required to protect my Beloved," Daniel replied.

There was truth in the softly spoken words. Truth that only a man in love could feel...could recognize. Tjau'kek nodded. "Go now. The next time we meet, I will not be so generous."

It was Daniel's turn to nod his understanding. He glanced at Jack, then motioned down the corridor.

Tjau'kek watched as the men disappeared, remaining in the shadows. He had no doubt that they would arrive safely in the hanger bay. He would see to it that any alarms that sounded when the bay doors opened were silenced. And he would blame the occurrence on the fictitious violations. As the blue-eyed Tau'ri had said, he would do whatever was required to protect his Beloved.


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Keku was pacing the pel'tak when his First Prime appeared. "Ba'al is searching for this ha'tak."

Apparently his god was seeking reassurance. Keku was a very weak, impotent god, Tjau'kek thought, not for the first time. He heaved a silent sigh. Spoke the words he knew the Keku was waiting to hear. "He will not find you, My Lord."

The Goa'uld smiled. "No, he will not."

"Will you take the ship into the asteroid belt?" Tjau'kek wondered if the Tau'ri would be able to navigate the glider around the rocks that hung in the dark void of space, each of them projecting enough gravity to hold them in place, making movement among them tricky at best, disastrous for those who did not have the skill, or the experience, in flying around them. Just as quickly decided he didn't care. If they were killed, he need never fear that they would one day be captured by one of his men and brought to Keku; able, and most probably willing, to tell all that they knew. Deep in his heart the Jaffa realized that Keku might not believe the Tau'ri, but their words would make him suspicious enough to have his lo'taur...and his First Prime...watched carefully. A situation to be avoided at all costs.

"Remaining hidden there has always served me well in the past."

"Yes, My Lord."

Keku waved a hand toward the control console.

Tjau'kek stepped forward. He had the skill and the experience to guide the ha'tak safely into the field. Discreetly he disabled the alarms for all hanger bay doors. Then began to maneuver the pyramid ship toward the asteroid belt that spanned this section of the sector. The ship was cloaked, there would be no way to see it, nor would there be any anomalies for well-trained Jaffa to discover. Scanners would be affected by the energy field that this particular belt produced. An oddity he did not understand. Nor did he question the why of the situation. It simply was.


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The hanger bay was empty, other than the gliders that sat side by side, silent sentries waiting to be called upon. Jack heaved a sigh of relief as Daniel locked the door behind them.

"Which one?" Daniel asked.

"Closest to the bay door," Jack replied.

"Do you have any idea how to get back to the planet?"


"So what's the plan?"

"Find the nearest planet and scan for a 'gate."

"What about the glider?"

"You'll be able to get the address for the planet we 'gate from, right?"

"No. Sam could...she knows how to do that. All I know is that the glyph that's raised, and at the top of the DHD, is the point of origin," Daniel replied.

"Well, crap. I'd like to keep this baby," Jack said as he climbed into the glider, tossing his pack to Daniel.

Daniel climbed into the second seat, which was directly behind that of the pilot. Put both packs on the floor, then rested his boots on top of them. "I don't know if Walter can do a search that would give us the coordinates or not."

"Let's hope he can," Jack said.

"I hope he never has to find out," Daniel said softly.

"Who? What? Huh?" Now just why would Daniel wish that? If Walter couldn't find the coordinates, they'd miss a chance at adding a Goa'uld glider to their inventory of stolen Goa'uld doohickeys.

He couldn't help but grin. Apparently living with Casey had rubbed off on him. "Sorry. I was thinking about the First Prime. I hope he never has to find out what it's like to lose the woman he loves."

"Oh," Jack said, his own voice soft. Daniel had faced that malady too often, it seemed. "Who'd have thought that love would get us off a snake ship."

"Not me, that's for sure," Daniel chuckled.

"Okay, here we go," Jack said quietly. He remembered enough from his flight away from Apophis' ship to be able to get the glider into the launch 'alley', turning the craft ninety degrees and heading for the bay door. For a moment, he was afraid that the sensors that Bra'tac had assured him would see the doors open before they reached them were either not working, or not part of the standard equipment on this particular ship.

The doors began swinging open as he approached. Hoping like hell his memory wouldn't play tricks on him, Jack launched as best he could. The ride was a bit bumpy, and they barely cleared the doors, but they made it.

Daniel looked back over his shoulder, afraid that he would see the rest of the gliders in pursuit.

"Well son-of-a-bitch!" Jack swore.

Grabbing the back of the seat in front of him, Daniel tried to hang on as the glider flipped sideways. "What the hell?"

"Hang on. We just flew right into an asteroid field!"

"Is that bad?"

"It's not good," Jack retorted. It was bad enough in an F302, and he knew the controls of that ship. He was in a glider, had a basic knowledge of the thing at best, and he was going to have to do some fancy flying to keep from smashing into one of those damned rocks! "This could get hairy."

"Right," Daniel murmured. Thankful that his stomach was completely empty.

For several tense moments Jack was afraid he wasn't going to be able to clear the field. He took a deep breath when the glider moved past the last of the asteroids. He glanced over his shoulder. "Still with me?"


"Why in the hell would Kookoo take his ship in there?"

"He's hiding from Ba'al."

"Oh. Pissed Balls off, did he?"

"I guess so."

"Okay, let's try to figure out how the hell the scanner works on this thing."

"Right." Daniel began to study the controls in front of him. Began to read the glyphs to Jack, hoping that he'd stumble on what they needed. Felt his heart speed up when Jack hollered 'bingo!' to the description of one of the glyphs. It took nearly twenty minutes, but eventually they had the scanner on and working. Or at least, they were hoping they did.

"Guess we should have asked for directions before we left," Jack mused.

Daniel snorted. "Considering that the First Prime let us walk away...no...he let us steal a glider...I'm betting he would have at least given us the coordinates for the planet we just left."


"I don't think I've ever been in a stranger situation. First Prime...and he let's us go."

"Yeah, that whole situation was a bit surreal."

"Just a bit."

"Maybe we should tell Bra'tac about that guy. Never know, maybe he's ready to join up."

"Could be," Daniel agreed. He looked out at the stars, his thoughts leaving the First Prime of Keku behind and returning to those that had been echoing in his head since the cargo bay door had slammed shut. Are you okay, Angel? Are you at home, worrying about me? Were you captured? Are you all right? "Let's get the hell out of here."

Jack nodded. Knew that Daniel had one thing on his mind...Casey. He was worried about Sam, too. Especially considering what Casey had seen. Was Sam still running...hiding...fighting for her life? Or had she been captured? He shook his head mentally. No, Radar would have seen that. She was all right. Carter was tough. She was a good officer. She'd be okay.

"Any idea where we are?" Daniel asked, looking at the bright points of light that surrounded them...each one a glowing sun. Most of the suns orbited by planets. So much life in the galaxy, he thought. And so much of it taken from Earth.

"Not a clue."

"Wouldn't the navigational computer have that information?"

Jack frowned. "It should. Navigation is what second-seat does. Anything like that is going to be on your controls."

"Okay." Daniel began to study the small computer screen in front of him. With nothing to lose, he began to touch the symbols that lined the edge of the screen. Silence filled the craft for nearly thirty minutes as he read each line of information that he found. "I think I have something."


"Numbers...in Goa'uld...but numbers. I'm getting a star map as well. Little flashing green light in the center of the screen."

"Can you send the information to my screen?"

"Dunno...give me a minute." Another fifteen minutes passed. "Found it. Can you see it?"

"Yep. Okay, if I'm not completely crazy, this is where we are," Jack said slowly, studying the three dimensional display in front of him, comparing it with what he saw out of the canopy above him.

"Hey, there's another set of coordinates here."

"Let's see 'em."

"Could be for his home planet."

"Could be."

"Or..." Daniel's voice trailed off. He was afraid to hope.

"Might as well check it out," Jack said quietly.

"Might as well." He sent up a prayer as Jack sent the glider racing forward. Just a bit of good luck, he thought. Just let us get back to RK5-212.


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General Hammond was staring out the window that overlooked the 'gate room, a frown on his face. Forty-eight hours and counting. Whenever SG-1 was this late for check-in, they were normally running for their lives, fighting for their lives, or they'd been captured. Given the circumstances of their mission, he feared it was the latter that prevented his premier team from contacting the SGC.

Information from the Tok'ra indicated that Keku was a minor System Lord, lower in the pecking order than Olokun, Camulus, and Morrigan. He was, however, still a Goa'uld. And those bastards had a bad habit of taking SGC teams prisoner at every opportunity. If this Keku was working for Ba'al, chances were that the capture of SG-1 would garner him a bit of favor. Which led to the worrisome thought that, by now, SG-1 could be in Ba'al's custody.


The general turned toward the door, where Sergeant Harriman stood with a sheet of fax paper in his hand. "The president's itinerary."

As if he didn't have enough on his plate at the moment, the new President of the United States, unsurprisingly Henry Hayes, was making arrangements to take his first tour of the SGC facility. Hammond couldn't suppress the smile that followed the thought that this time Senator Robert Kinsey wouldn't be tagging along, offering his negative opinion about anything and everything related to Stargate Command in general, and of certain people in particular. With all that had happened within just a few short months, there was little doubt that, for the foreseeable future at least, funding would be no problem. Political interest and intrusion would continue to increase, as the members of the Stargate Alliance continued to flex their political muscles. There had been talk of military personnel from each of the member countries being assigned to the SGC. So far, that's all it was. It was only a matter of time before the talk became reality, however. That, he thought, was a problem he would deal with later. "Thank you, Walter," Hammond said quietly.

"SG-3 is standing by, sir."

"Very well. If we haven't heard from SG-1 by the end of the day, we'll send the MALP through."

"Yes, sir."

Walter slipped back to his own office when the general turned again toward the alien monument that dwarfed the room below. It was a shame that the president coming for a visit wasn't Tim Miller. He'd been a regular kind of guy. And hadn't taken offense when Casey Jackson had drenched him with her water cannon, mistakenly believing that he was one of the control room techs, or an SG team member. Henry Hayes, on the other hand, was an unknown commodity.


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Jonas stared at the photos he had taken of the pillar, trying to force the translation into his head. There had to be a key...something that would help him to translate this particular dialect...

He glanced around the room. He was working in Daniel Jackson's office...he supposed he was hoping that some of that man's brilliance would be lingering in the air, and would light on him. So far, it hadn't happened. Doctor Meyers had started working on a filing system for the Archaeological department, but it was far from finished. He didn't want to go sifting through piles of folders and reports that had already been sorted, but if he could just find an example of this particular text, and the translation...

The problem with that was, the dialect hadn't yet been 'named'. Until it was, to find any references to it one needed to know the mission where it had been encountered. There were hundreds of mission reports.

With a sigh, the young Kelownan turned his attention back to the photos. If he couldn't figure something out within the next hour or so, he'd start searching through those reports. The information about that weapon was just too important to sit and wait for Daniel's return. He was certain that the archaeologist would agree with him.

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